Affirmation is the easiest method to raise vibration and program your mind.. But if affirmations are not used right way they are ineffective. In this Blog Post I tell
Affirmation is the easiest method to raise vibration and program your mind.. But if affirmations are not used right way they are ineffective. In this Blog Post I tell
When we learn to be happy success money everything comes automatically. Our brain has 4 happy hormones like Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin. In this BLOG Post I will teach how
"Law of attraction" is the most powerful rule of universe. But for most people it doesn't work . There are many lies or wrong information about "Law of attraction" that
विपश्यना meditation के अभ्यास से, ये विचार ख़त्म हो जाते है | जब विचार ख़त्म हो जायेंगे तो सुख और दुःख में सम रहना सीख जायेंगे | सुख-दुःख के परे
इस blog में, मैं आपको बताने वाला हूँ, वो technique जिसको practice करके, आप अपनी positivity को हमेशा (through-out the day) maintain रख सकते हैं| आप ऐसा करके देखिए, आप
3rd Eye pineal gland or the seat of soul is our spiritual awakening center. In this Blog I explained what is the science behind 3rd eye activation or pineal gland.
Mathieu Ricard is world's Happiest man. I discussed 4 secrets of him how he always remains happy.. happiness index के मामले में हमारा देश 149 देशों की list में १३९वें
We are never alone power of universe is always working for us. Sometimes universe wants to give us some guidance or insights in it's own language. If we can pick
we all know that meditation is nothing but observing our thoughts and emotions without any judgement. This blog is educating you about how to observe our thoughts and emotions in meditation.
दोस्तों अब तक ये माना जाता था कि हमारे brain के neurons(cells) नहीं बढ़ सकते। लेकिन लेटेस्ट रिसर्च ने इसको गलत बताया है। in this blog I will explain simple